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Ecological Efforts

With the ever increasing damage we are doing to our planet, I am more and more aware that I too have a responsibility to care for the earth as much as I can. As a result, I looked at my working methods and have tried to adapt my footprint as much as possible. These measures below are my (small, but heartfelt) contribution. I am aware that most may not lead to paradigmatic change but I sincerely want to make a contribution and have my work affect the envioronment as little as possible. I am by no means an expert in this area and so am all ears for those of you who have suggestions as to how I might reduce my carbon footprint even more.


Here are some of the measures that I implement:


- wherever possible, I travel by train

- when airtravel is essential, I only purchase tickets, with CO2 compensation

- where at all possible, I endeavour to conduct all preparation meetings virtually to reduce travel

- I run a virtually paper-free office - I store all relevant documents in the cloud

- I ensure that (where the providers can) all of my bills are sent digitally

- I now complete my tax declaration paper-free

- I no longer provide paper handouts and/or workshop material

- I never eat meat products when working

- I try to buy from environmentally responsible companies

- All the lights in my office are fitted with energy-saving bulbs

- I charge my phone on airplane mode to save energy

- We are currently in the process of investigating having solar panels installed 

- I have used the same (broken) phone for years to save on waste

- I prefer my kindle to paper books and

- I love shopping at charity shops;-)


....what am I missing? Suggestions gratefully received.






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